At Cash Faster, we understand that life can be unpredictable and sometimes you might need access to funds quickly as small cash loans. Our goal is to simplify the process of obtaining a small cash loan, so you can handle emergencies and unexpected expenses without unnecessary stress. 

Applying for a small cash loan can be a lifesaver when you need quick access to funds for emergencies or unexpected expenses. At Cash Faster, we try to make the process as simple and smooth as possible. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the application process smoothly.

What is a Small Cash Loan?

A small cash loan, also called a payday loan or quick cash loans, is a quick way to borrow a small amount of money for urgent expenses. Usually, these loans are between $100 and $1,500 and need to be paid back within a few weeks or by your next paycheck. Here at CashFaster you can get a $250 to $2000 loan for your urgent expenses.

Minimum Requirements for Applying for Small Cash Loans

Before diving into the application process, ensure that you meet our basic eligibility criteria. These requirements are designed to ensure that we can offer loans responsibly and that you have the financial stability to repay the loan. Here’s what you need to qualify:

  1. Age: You must be over 18 years old.
  2. Citizenship: You need to be an Australian citizen.
  3. Financial Status: You should not be currently bankrupt.
  4. Income: To get our small cash loans from CashFaster, you must have an ongoing income that exceeds $30,000 per annum. We are unable to provide loans to those who are beneficiaries only.
  5. Centrelink Payments: If you receive Centrelink payments, they should not constitute more than 20% of your total income.
  6. Bank Account: You must have an active bank account where your regular pay is deposited.
  7. Internet Access: You need access to a device with an internet connection.
  8. Email: A personal and active email address is required.
  9. Mobile Phone: You must own an active mobile phone with a confirmed number.
  10. Application: You must complete the application process, either online or via phone.
  11. Employer Check: You must pass our employer checks.

Steps to Apply for Small Cash Loans for CashFaster

Applying for a small cash loan with Cash Faster is a simple process if you meet the above criteria. Here’s a stepwise guide to help you for small cash loans:

  1. Prepare Your Information: Gather all the necessary documents and information, including proof of identity, proof of income, and details of your bank account.
  2. Complete the Application: You can choose to fill out the application form online through our website or call us to apply over the phone. Ensure all the information provided is accurate to avoid delays.
  3. Submit Your Application: Once you’ve completed the form, submit it for review. Our team will assess your application based on the information provided.
  4. Verification: We will perform checks to verify your employment and income status. This includes contacting your employer and reviewing your bank statements.
  5. Approval and Funds Transfer: If your application is approved, we’ll notify you, and the funds will be transferred to your active bank account. This process is usually quick, ensuring you get the cash you need without unnecessary delays.

Why Choose Cash Faster?

Choosing the right lender for your small cash loan can make a significant difference. At Cash Faster, we offer several advantages:

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